Then you pass through." Ĩ9 = "As you approach it, you hear mad shouting to the south. We will not leave you alone._ They note the gory scene, and they immediately know what it means. We will not leave you alone._ Then you all pass through." Ĩ7 = "You nod. The Hands you sent upstairs made the difference." Ĩ6 = "Redbeard nods. They are bloody, exhausted, and overjoyed. In the same vein - does Redbeard always disappear when you take the loyal ending, or does it depend on your actions? (I gave him straight answers about how he should step down for the good of the Pact, even if it means his life I would like to think he took it to heart and vanished to avoid assassins.)Ĩ0 = "At last, the portal is ready to carry you to safety." Ĩ5 = "As you approach it, several Hands run up to the gate. What I'm wondering is whether this game really had multiple options at the end.as opposed to the simple "pro- or anti- Redbeard." I notice that I like the Spiderweb games best when they are "ideologically complex".I mean like Geneforges 2 and 5, where you have several different factions to align yourself with. (I dropped the difficulty to normal to kill Redbeard and see the "other" ending.and was disappointed to see that that ending assumed I would fight the Council once I was Keeper.) But if I hadn't spied for the Council, or had slowed it down the way Callan wanted, would they have let Redbeard reign unchecked? What I'm wondering is - did this attitude make any difference towards the ending? I mean, I was glad to see that the Council made up its mind to insist on asserting its authority, even when I played the loyalist ending. (I also told the other councilwoman about Redbeard's underground lair, though I suspected her of being a spy.) After a certain point I started taking the basement councilwoman's quests.the last thing I did for her was to check out Redbeard's tower and tell her about the level with the magic pool.

I'm not likely to play it all through again, at least not anytime soon, and I'm wondering if anyone knows some things I'm wondering about.įor most of the game, I had my character take up the view that Avadon and the Pact should be preserved, but that Avadon should be accountable to the civilian government (i.e., Hanvar's Council). I finished the game and liked it overall.